Indoor gardening can be a rich and rewarding pursuit, and in and of itself is not overly difficult to begin. However, indoor gardeners have much more to consider than season and weather, because with indoor gardens, the gardener is responsible for maintaining all aspects of a healthy environment for the plants, from soil nutrition to sunlight supply, humidity to temperature, water supply to adequate drainage. When starting an indoor garden, the gardener may find that the plants, especially the delicate ones, need more than regular water and a window facing adequate sunlight. In this article, we will discuss the extra steps you can take to develop a healthy, well cared for indoor garden.
Indoor plants may have unique lighting requirements when kept inside. Besides that, with proper lighting you can extend your grow season for your indoor garden from seasonal to year round. The Hortilux grow bulb touts itself as one of the leading grow bulbs on the market, both for the variety of types of lighting available and for being environmentally friendly.
The Hortilux grow bulb can help your plants receive adequate light even away from consistent, natural sunlight supply, and the company offers grow bulbs in a variety of color spectrums, so that the gardener will be able to find a bulb specifically to meet the plant's specific needs.
Not only that, but this particular type of grow bulb can be especially valuable if you are trying to create an environmentally friendly garden. Because of the company's commitment to environmentalism, the Hortilux grow bulb uses less harmful materials, such as mercury, and consumes less power than other brands of grow bulbs.
Ultra Sun is another variety of popular metal halide conversion grow light. Many of these convert light to a blue spectrum, which is extremely healthy for some plants, but not all. Other brands of grow lights may provide more choice and variety for individual plants. However, the Ultra Sun brand has the advantage of being extremely durable and hardy. Plus, because of the intensity of the blue and violet spectrum light, these particular grow bulbs work very well for plants that will soon or have already begun to produce fruit and flowers. If you are looking to nourish a producing indoor garden, you may favor these bulbs.
The Galaxy Ballast is very useful if you are using grow lights to simulate natural sunlight supply as well. Rather than plugging your grow lights into the wall or a power suppressor, which can generate heat and may not be particularly efficient, the Galaxy Ballast acts as a small generator that you can plug your grow lights into. It's construction protects your grow lights from power surges and spikes, plus keeps the plugs and internal parts cooler to prevent heat buildup and keep your equipment functioning longer.